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Static generation (SG) and server-side rendering (SSR) are the two forms of pre-rendering in Next.js. Next.js generates HTML for each page of your application in advance and hydrates them when they are loaded. To understand dynamic routing in Next.js, you have to know what pre-rendering is and which form of pre-rendering you should use for your application. How to use dynamic routes to render REST and GraphQL APIs.This article aims to teach you what dynamic routing in Next.js is about and how to use it for page routing with REST and GraphQL APIs. The framework brought some modifications to building web applications with React, including dynamic routing, server-side rendering, static generation, and scalability. This makes your website load very fast and ensures it’s optimized for search engines. By default, Next.js pre-renders your pages and also does code splitting, which is only loading the JavaScript necessary for a particular page you are on. Next.js is lightweight and built for speed, performance, and search engine optimization (SEO).

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Overall, Next.js simplifies full-stack development.

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Next.js is a React framework for building fast and user-friendly web applications, building API endpoints, and accessing databases.

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