What is evernote v 5.3
What is evernote v 5.3

what is evernote v 5.3

They were just causing way too many problems, and it wasn't worth it to have them in the account. I stripped out most of my notes and saved them on my disk outside of Evernote. But, at the moment I mainly have (relatively) short notes (my largest note with text is a web clipping of 1.5 MB and my largest note is only 4.3 MB with a couple photos in it). Don't expect an immediate fix but our hypothesis is that it's related to the fact that you have very long text notes. It's not about the software, though that might be an issue at some point. I think I'll start doing time machine backups before upgrading to a new version.Īlways, always, always do time machine. True but this does make me a little paranoid about what bugs could slip in between versions. Everything else seems to be running fine. You won't miss it, because it wasn't there for you! I wouldn't worry too much. I guess I'll have to revert to my standard update policy: "Wait at least 2 weeks after any/all updates to determine if users are reporting significant issues before even downloading the update even for testing purposes."

what is evernote v 5.3

If there is anything I should be aware of, please let me know (you can PM me if you'd prefer). It will be a couple of hours before I have a chance to download. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and actually download the new ver without first waiting for feedback from other users.

What is evernote v 5.3